Assignment: Pandas Fundamentals with Earthquake Data#

In this assignment, we will review pandas fundamentals, such as how to

  • Open csv files

  • Manipulate dataframe indexes

  • Parse date columns

  • Examine basic dataframe statistics

  • Manipulate text columns and extract values

  • Plot dataframe contents using

    • Bar charts

    • Histograms

    • Scatter plots

First, import Numpy, Pandas and Matplotlib and set the display options.

Data for this assignment in .csv format downloaded from the USGS Earthquakes Database is available at:

You don’t need to download this file. You can open it directly with Pandas.

1) Use Pandas’ read_csv function directly on this URL to open it as a DataFrame#

(Don’t use any special options). Display the first few rows and the DataFrame info.

You should have seen that the dates were not automatically parsed into datetime types.

2) Re-read the data in such a way that all date columns are identified as dates and the earthquake ID is used as the index#

Verify that this worked using the head and info functions.

3) Use describe to get the basic statistics of all the columns#

Note the highest and lowest magnitude of earthquakes in the databse.

4) Use nlargest to get the top 20 earthquakes by magnitude#

Examine the structure of the place column. The state / country information seems to be in there. How would you get it out?

5) Extract the state or country using Pandas text data functions#

Add it as a new column to the dataframe called country. Note that some of the “countries” are actually U.S. states.

6) Display each unique value from the new column#

7) Create a filtered dataset that only has earthquakes of magnitude 4 or larger and#

8) Using the filtered dataset (magnitude > 4), count the number of earthquakes in each country/state. Make a bar chart of this number for the top 5 locations with the most earthquakes#

Location name on the x axis, Earthquake count on the y axis

9) Make a histogram the distribution of the Earthquake magnitudes#

Do one subplot for the filtered and one for the unfiltered dataset. Use a Logarithmic scale. What sort of relationship do you see?

11) Visualize the locations of earthquakes by making a scatterplot of their latitude and longitude#

Use a two-column subplot with both the filtered and unfiltered datasets. Color the points by magnitude. Make it pretty

What difference do you note between the filtered and unfiltered datasets?